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10、    of the land in that district    covered with trees and grass.

A、Two fifth;is   B、Two fifth;are    C、Two fifths;is     D、Two fifths;are


9、Up to now,the majority of the undergraduates    enrolled for this selected course.

A、has been   B、have   C、had been    D、would have been


8、I don’t think one hundred dollars    a big sum of money to him.

A、will be   B、would be   C、is    D、are


7、Bread and butter    a daily food in the west.

A、is    B、are    C、was    D、were


6、The United Nations    an organization of independent countries.

A、is    B、are    C、was    D、were


5、Whether he will be able to pass the exam    unknown.

A、is    B、are    C、was    D、were


4、Great quantities of fish    in the river by the fishermen.

A、is    B、are    C、is caught    D、were caught


3、He said that the twelfth and last lesson    rather difficult.

A、were   B、was    C、will be    D、are


2、This kind of apple    good.

A、taste   B、tastes    C、are tasting    D、is tasted


1、Such films     shown yesterday    not worth seeing again.

A、that was;is    B、as were;are    C、as were;is    D、those were;are

