0  442680  442688  442694  442698  442704  442706  442710  442716  442718  442724  442730  442734  442736  442740  442746  442748  442754  442758  442760  442764  442766  442770  442772  442774  442775  442776  442778  442779  442780  442782  442784  442788  442790  442794  442796  442800  442806  442808  442814  442818  442820  442824  442830  442836  442838  442844  442848  442850  442856  442860  442866  442874  447090 

28. I’d rather stay at home than go to see a film,      .

  A. neither had he           B. neither would he

  C. so had he             D. so would he


27. Barely had they seated themselves hurriedly in the theatre _____ the curtain went up.

A. than           B. when        C. as soon as         D. before


26. It was not until 11 o’clock      the experiment.

  A. did he finish            B. that he finished

  C. when they finished         D. that did he finish


25. Who is it      is waiting outside the room?

  A. who      B. whom        C. which           D. that  


24. It was a year ago      I first met him here.

  A. which       B. that          C. in which          D. when 


23. Not Until      the work      to bed.

  A. did he finish … he went      B. he finished … he went

  C. he finished … did he go       D. he finished … had he gone


22. Neither      read, nor      to write.

  A. can he … can he          B. can he … he can

  C. he can…. Can he         D. he can … he can


21. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages      attracted the audience’s interest.

  A. so that     B. what         C. in which         D. that


20. Not only a writer but also      here.

  A. a doctor were wanted        B. were a doctor wanted

  C. a doctor was wanted        D. was a doctor wanted


19. Not only      to New York but also      there for a time.

  A. has he been … he worked      B. has he been … did he work

  C. he has been … did he work     D. he has gone … did he work

