0  3788  3796  3802  3806  3812  3814  3818  3824  3826  3832  3838  3842  3844  3848  3854  3856  3862  3866  3868  3872  3874  3878  3880  3882  3883  3884  3886  3887  3888  3890  3892  3896  3898  3902  3904  3908  3914  3916  3922  3926  3928  3932  3938  3944  3946  3952  3956  3958  3964  3968  3974  3982  447090 

71. We can infer that              .

       A. many Chinese applicants can speak English

       B. most applicants are Beijing natives

       C. at present most of the applicants are from Beijing

       D. the applicant must pass the driving test



In November 2006 Pavel Vinogradov hit the longest and fastest golf shot of all time. It would travel thousands of kilometers at 40 times the speed of a cruising jet. It may not stop travelling for three years.

   Vinogradov is not a golfer, in fact, he’s never played a round of golf in his life. He’s an astronaut, the commander of Expedition 13 aboard the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth. He played the short from a specially-built platform outside the space station during a space walk.

   The golf shot, breaking every distance and speed record in the history of golf, was eventually used in a TV commercial. The ball contains a transmitter and the journey of the ball could be followed on the website of the company that manufactured it.

  This is more than just a clever advertisement for a brand of golf ball, however. The space station also needs the publicity. The team of scientists working on the space propramme need to keep their work in the public eye, as they beg for extra funds to pay for their expensive reseach.

   But environmentalists are angry about this latest space prank  (惡作劇). “Space is already full of enough junk to fill an ocean,” said campaigner Rowan Conway. “Stunts like this are the last thing we need.”

   Since space exploration began, the USA has launched nearly 750 satellites traveling round space, and the former Soviet Union has launched nearly twice that number. China and Japan are responsible for another hundred or so between them. Even private companies have launched about a hundred.

   A lot of these satellites eventually stop working and start to fall apart. As a result, there are nearly 9,000 man-made objects hurting around in space, a lot of it’s debris(殘骸碎片) and junk from long-defunct space missions. Space junk can be anything from a hatch which fell off a space module to a fragment of paint from the space shuttle or a satellite that no longer works. Thousands of nuts, bolts and other debris from space mission have created an orbiting garbage dump around Earth, presenting a hazard to spacecraft.

   Man-made debris can orbit at speeds of up to 28,000 kilometres an hour. Think of the damage a golf ball could do to a spacecraft traveling at that speed!


70. If an African American is qualified for being a volunteer, he can put in his application on            .

       A. www.hab.gov.hk B. www.sport.gov.cn C. www.bjqb.gov.cn D. www.ebeijing.gov.cn


69. What kind of person has a better chance of being overseas volunteers?

       A. A person living in Hong Kong who can speak English and Chinese Putonghua.

       B. A person living in Taiwan who can speak French and Chinese Putonghua.

       C. A person living in Macao who can speak German but cannot speak Chinese.

       D. A person living in the USA who can speak French and English but cannot speak Chinese.


68. Recruitment for overseas volunteers began               .

       A. on March 28,2007  B. on January 19,2007  C. on August 28,2006  D. on may 26,2007


Applications in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries will conclude by the end of march 2008. BOCOG will finalize the recruitment drive by the end of May 2008.


Recruitment for volunteers in Beijing began on August 28,2006. In areas outside the capital, it began on January 19 this year.

To date, more than 400,000 people have sent in applications, more than 270,000 of them from Beijing.

“According to the latest applications results, we still need a lot of volunteers with foreign language skills other than English,” Li Binghua, executive vice ? president of BOCOG, said.

Of course, these applicants must be able to communicate with other people in Chinese Putonghua, he said.

Volunteers with mainly be contracted in eight fields depending on their skills including VIP guest liaison and language services, driving, media services, competition organization, medical treatment, and security examination.

The application websites are www.hab, gov. hk (Hong Kong),

www.sport.gov.mo(Macao), www.bjtx.org(Taiwan), www.bjqb.gov.cn(overseas Chinese), and www.ebeijing.gov.cn (foreigners).


Volunteer requirements can be found at the official website www.beijing2008.cn, or by calling the hotline on 8610 ? 12308.


67. What is mainly discussed in the passage?

   A. The graduation ceremony                                         B. Sandhurst Military Academy

C. The Royal Family                                               D. Harry’s finishing military training




Olympic volunteer hopefuls from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan stand a better chance if they are bilingual.

Priority will be given to applicants who have “special skills” and can speak languages other than English and Chinese.

“We expect those people from above?mentioned areas, who are qualified for being a volunteer, to put in an application,” Liu Jian, office director of Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer Work Coordination Group, said.

Liu made the remarks on march 28,2007 at a press conference to officially launch the volunteer recruitment (招募) drive from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries for the 2008 Games.


66. What do you think of Harry after reading the article?

   A. A Royal Prince                       B. A qualified cadet     C. A nice officer  D. A good son


65. We can infer from the passage that______.

   A. Prince Harry didn’t want to attend the training

   B. the Queen gave the speech to show her pride in Price Harry

   C. it’s always necessary for a person to attend the training before joining the army

D. the training was about how to relate to people under the command.

