My hair needs ________ , I have to have it ________.

A.cut, cut                      cut , cut

C.cutting, cut                            D.cut, cutted











科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

       Three years ago, I was a student, and I thought life was really good. I got up late. I spent the day
talking to friends, and then I studied all night. I wore jeans and sweatshirts and had long hair. I felt free.
       I moved to a new town three years ago. My job was interesting, but I was single and I didn't have
any friends. People at work were friendly but not very outgoing. We never did anything after work.  2     
       I'm Peter. My life seemed to come to an end three years ago. I lost my job. Then I lost weight and
looked terrible. Money became a problem, I was very sad. I need some good luck.  3    
將Jack, David, Peter三年前的生活與他們現(xiàn)在的生活相匹配。
A. Now my life has completely changed. I got married six months ago! My wife and I often have friends
over for dinner. We're talking classes several nights a week. It's great! We're ever talking about starting a
family soon.
B. Now I work as a computer programmer in an international company. I've moved to Seoul and have
started to learn Korean. Korean food is great, and rye gained several kilos. I feel much happier and
C. Now I get up early in the morning and go to work. Of course, I dress up (打扮)now, and my hair is
shorter. I'm very busy during the day, but I don't really mind. At last my evenings are free.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. Write down what changes Peter has had during the two years. (2-3 sentences)
5. The underlined part "lost weight" and "gained several kilos" mean "____" and "____" in Chinese.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

shampoo, drugstore, furniture store, hang out, advantage, disadvaritage, exchange
1. Where can I buy______?I want to wash my hair.
2. Could you tell me where the______is? I am going to buy some medicine for my father.
3. Could you tell me the way to the______?I need a table and some chairs.
4. He is an______student. He is studying in Germany.
5. Students with computer skills will have an______.
6.She______with her cronies(密友).
7. He likes basketball, but he has a______ .—he is short.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:單選題

I need _______ for my hair.

  1. A.
    something new
  2. B.
    new something
  3. C.
    some new
  4. D.
    new some


科目:初中英語 來源:0101 模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

       British teenagers cost their parents an average (平均) of£9,000 a year. Where does their money come
from? And what do they like to spend it on? Let's see what the two boys said.
       Emil, 15, lives with his parents, two brothers and one sister.
       Income (收入): Every week I get£30 from my parents. I usually spend it going out with my friends.
       Expenditure (花費(fèi)): I have two phones. My parents pay for one — it's£25 a month — and I pay for the
other. If I need clothes, and I really need them, my mum will give me the money. I pay £6 for my hair cut.
       Tom, another boy, 17, lives with his parents. They give some extra (額外的) money when he has used up
the money he gets from a part-time job.
       Income: I've got a part-time job. I do two evenings a week and on Sundays. My monthly wage (工資) is
about£220. If I have used up my wages, I ask for a bit of money. If I ask my dad, he gives me the money and
then I have to pay him back at the end of the month, but my mum just gives me the money and says, "All right.
Have a good time!"
       Expenditure: I usually save up my pay for the things I want. If I need a little bit of extra money, I'll ask for
it as a present. But if I want anything else that costs more, I will spend some of my wages on it. My dad pays
£25 for my monthly phone calls. I think he pays for it because he wants me to be able to keep in touch with
1. How much money does Emil get from his parents each month?
[     ]
A. £80.
B. £90.
C. £100.
D. £120.
2. From the passage, we can learn that Emil ______.
[     ]
A. is the only child in the family
B. lives in a big family
C. lives with his grandparents
D. has two sisters and a brother
3. Tom's father pays for ______ for him.
[     ]
A. his clothes
B. his haircut
C. his monthly phone calls
D. his presents


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,情景問答

(     )1. Excuse me. Where can l wash my hands?
(     )2. Don't hang out late in the night with those bad youngsters.
(     )3. I need some shampoos to wash my hair. Could you get some for me?
(     )4. Can you tell me where Tom is? I must find him now.
(     )5. Shall we exchange our phone numbers so that we can call each other?
A. Sorry, I don't know.  But he was here just now.
B. No problem.
C. Oh, there is a restroom near the bus stop.
D. Of course, there's a post office on the Royal Street.
E. That's a great idea!
F. Sorry, I won't do it again.

