       Three years ago, I was a student, and I thought life was really good. I got up late. I spent the day
talking to friends, and then I studied all night. I wore jeans and sweatshirts and had long hair. I felt free.
       I moved to a new town three years ago. My job was interesting, but I was single and I didn't have
any friends. People at work were friendly but not very outgoing. We never did anything after work.  2     
       I'm Peter. My life seemed to come to an end three years ago. I lost my job. Then I lost weight and
looked terrible. Money became a problem, I was very sad. I need some good luck.  3    
將Jack, David, Peter三年前的生活與他們現(xiàn)在的生活相匹配。
A. Now my life has completely changed. I got married six months ago! My wife and I often have friends
over for dinner. We're talking classes several nights a week. It's great! We're ever talking about starting a
family soon.
B. Now I work as a computer programmer in an international company. I've moved to Seoul and have
started to learn Korean. Korean food is great, and rye gained several kilos. I feel much happier and
C. Now I get up early in the morning and go to work. Of course, I dress up (打扮)now, and my hair is
shorter. I'm very busy during the day, but I don't really mind. At last my evenings are free.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. Write down what changes Peter has had during the two years. (2-3 sentences)
5. The underlined part "lost weight" and "gained several kilos" mean "____" and "____" in Chinese.
1-3 C A B  
4. It seemed that everything didn't go well with him three years ago. He lost both job and some weight.
Now he has a good job and put weight back on.
5. 體重減輕;體重增加了幾公斤

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     Terry and Anna live in Chicago. Their address  is  No.  15,  School Street.  They live on the second
     Terry  is  from Japan.  He speaks English  and  Japanese.  He's  a  doctor.  He  works  at  Mercy
     Anna works at Mercy Hospital, too,  but she's not a doctor.  She's a nurse.  She works on the first
floor.  She helps doctors.  Anna is from New York.  She  speaks English. She knows  some Japanese,
but she doesn't speak it very well.
     Terry and Anna like music very much.  Terry plays the guitar and Anna plays the piano.  Th ey paly
music or listen to music on the radio(收音機(jī))every night after work.
1. Terry and Anna's address is____.
2.Terr and Anna live and work in the____place.
3.Terry is____but he can speak____.
4.  Anna doesn's know Japanese,right?
5.What does"They play music"mean here?(用短文中的一句話解釋)

