What/How about going out for a swim this Sunday afte- rnoon? 查看更多



It matters little _______ a man dies, but ______ matters much is ________ he lives.

       A. how; what; how        B. how; it; how             C. why; it; why             D. that; what; that



._____ we can pass the coming examination will mainly depend on _____ we learn and _____ learn it.

         A. Whether; what; how   B. That; whether; why     C. If; how; that         D. Why; that; how



 ______ interested us most was ______ he saw last night.

A.It; what

B.What; what

C.What; how

D.It; how



___ is known to us all is ____ the sun is bigger than the earth.
A It; that    B What ; that   C What ; how    D That; that


In his book,he explains both ______ it means to be a scientist and ______ science works.

A.how; how                                                                       B.what; that

C.what; how                                                                     D.how; that

