Mrs. Green liked to stay at the same place. 查看更多



It was Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Green were getting ready __1__ to England for their holiday.The children were filling their bags __2__ their clothes and other things. Mrs Green told her children to put their bags beside __3__ when they were ready.

Mrs Green was __4__ about their journey. She hated __5__ by air. She liked to stay __6__in the same place because the seats on the plane were too narrow and the __7__ was too long. She tried to sleep, but she was never __8__ to sleep well.

Mr Green told Mrs Green that he had the tickets and money in his jacket. They couldn’t __9__ Polly with them. Jim asked Leng Feng to __10__ her. How well the planned for the holiday!

(    )1.A. to go        B. go         C. goes       D. going

(    )2.A. at         B. of         C. with      D. for

(    )3.A. she         B. hers         C. her     D. his

(    )4.A. worry      B. worries      C. worried      D. worrying

(    )5.A. travel     B. travelling     C. travels      D. travelled

(    )6.A. safe         B. safer        C. safest       D. safely

(    )7.A. home       B. stay         C. jacket     D. journey

(    )8.A. able       B. can          C. could        D. should

(    )9.A. bring      B. brings       C. take       D. takes

(    )10.A.look at      B. look after     C. look over    D. look up


