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With Booksfree you can rent as many title as you want.The number of title you rent depends on your membership plan and how quickly you return each order.
Renting books or audiobooks saves you 60-80% over buying them.With saving like that,you can read or listen to your heart's content.
Over 250,000Titles
As a member,you'll be able to choose from more than 250,000paperback titles,or 40,000audiobook titles-from classics to new releases.Our Web site is open 24hours a day and makes finding books simple and convenient.
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About Booksfree
In business since 2000,Booksfree provides reading and listening enjoyment to thousands of satisfied customers each month.
21.What is special about Booksfree?C
A.It has no limit to the number of books you rent.
B.It provides no paper books but audio books,
C.Shipping is free and there is no hidden charge.
D.One cannot keep as long as he/she wants
22.To get books from Booksfree,one should firstB.
A.prepare a credit card
B.create an account
C.send a book list online
D.pay 60-80% of the book price
23.Booksfree was started toA.
A.provide readers with reading and listening enjoyment
B.promote new products through the Internet.
C.persuade more people to buy books online
D.introduce readers to the world's largest library.