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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】---Where’s Tom? ---He could ________computer games in his room.

A. playing B. be playing C. to play D .played


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 lovely the squirrel is!

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Li Na is famous all the tennis fans in China know her.

A. too; to B. enough; to C. as; as D. so; that


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—Sam, my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you ________ it for me?

—No problem.

A. bring B. fetch

C. take D. carry


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—How do you do?


A.I'm fineB.Thank youC.How do you do?


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】We’ll ________ an English play “Snow White” during this year’s Art Festival.

A. look up B. look out C. put off D. put on


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—What class are you in?

—I’m in__________.

A.class four, grade nineB.Class Four, Grade NineC.Grade Nine, Class Four


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 David visited lots of ________ in the world.

A. places of interesting B. places of interest

C. place of interests D. place of interesting


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—Let me help you.


A.Thank you.B.You are welcomeC.That's OK


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】She always tries her best to help others.And she never how much money she gets.

A. listens B. cares C. thinks D. worries

