Tom likes English ,___________

A.Neither does PaulB.So does Paul
C.So has PaulD.Neither has Paula


解析試題分析:“so+助動(dòng)詞(情態(tài)動(dòng)詞或連系動(dòng)詞)+另一主語”,此句型是主謂倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),可以表示前面的情況也適用于后者,使用該句型需要注意以幾個(gè)方面的問題: 1.該句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,則要用“neither /nor +助動(dòng)詞+主語”。 2.句型中的主語與上文中的主語是不同的兩個(gè)主語3.句型中助動(dòng)詞,包括連系動(dòng)詞和情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)要和上句中謂語動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)相一致。句意:湯姆喜歡英語,保羅也喜歡。結(jié)合語境可知選B。


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Little Tom likes cartoons (動(dòng)畫片) very much .When the cartoons begin on TV, he does nothing until they’re over. Sometimes he’d rather wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up, or he will be late for school.
Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon today. This morning, as soon as he got up, he turned the television, but didn’t receive the programme. He had to have breakfast and then went to school. After school he ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen (廚房). He hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again, but he couldn’t find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother to help.
“It’s only five now,” said the woman. “Your programme will be after supper.”“Well, let’s have supper right now!”
【小題1】 Tom goes to bed late sometimes, so______ .
A.he’s late for school
B.he goes to school by bus
C.he can’t wake up himself in the morning
D.he has to go to school without breakfast
【小題2】Tom spends much time _____ when he is free.
A.playing footballB.watching football matches on TV
C.doing his homeworkD.watching cartoons on TV
【小題3】Tom _____,so he turned on the television after getting up this morning .
A.thought he had some time left
B.didn’t know when the cartoon would begin
C.wanted to know the important news
D.hoped to watch TV play
【小題4】Tom was afraid _____, so he ran home. miss the interesting miss the last bus
C.he would be hungryD.he had little time to finish his homework
【小題5】 Tom thought _____.
A.supper should be ready
B.his mother’s watch was slow
C.the cartoon would be as soon as he finished supper
D.his mother cooked super too late


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇泰州姜堰區(qū)四校八年級(jí)下學(xué)期第三次聯(lián)考英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Little Tom likes cartoons (動(dòng)畫片) very much .When the cartoons begin on TV, he does nothing until they’ re over. Sometimes he’d rather wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up, or he will be late for school.
Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon today. This morning, as soon as he got up, he turned on the television, but didn’t receive the programme. He had to have breakfast and then went to school. After school he ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen (廚房). He hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again, but he couldn’t find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother to help.
“It’s only five now,” said the woman. “Your programme will be after supper.”
“Well, let’s have supper right now!”
【小題1】Tom goes to bed late sometimes, so______ .

A.he’s late for schoolB.he goes to school by bus
C.he can’t wake up himself in the morning D.he has to go to school without breakfast
【小題2】Tom spends much time _____ when he is free.
A.playing footballB.watching football matches on TV
C.doing his homeworkD.watching cartoons on TV
【小題3】Tom _____,so he turned on the television after getting up this morning .
A.thought he had some time leftB.didn’t know when the cartoon would begin
C.wanted to know the important newsD.hoped to watch TV play
【小題4】Tom was afraid _____, so he ran home. miss the interesting miss the last bus
C.he would be hungryD.he had little time to finish his homework
【小題5】Tom thought _____.
A.supper should be readyB.his mother’s watch was slow
C.the cartoon would be as soon as he finished supper D.his mother cooked super too late


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2013學(xué)年江蘇省鹽城市鹽都區(qū)七年級(jí)上學(xué)期英語期末考試卷(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

Tom likes playing ________ volleyball, but Lily likes playing ________ piano.

A. a, a                 B. the, the                            C. the, /                       D. /, the



科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江西省撫州市八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

Tom likes dancing,          he is a little quiet.

A. but      B. although        C. so         D. however



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年遼寧省營(yíng)口市中考模擬(二)英語試題(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

 Tom likes doing things with his family. He’s learned much from ___ His family help him a lot.

  A. it    B. them   C. he   D. they


