Some robots are ______ to do the same things ______ people.
A.enough smart, asB.enough smart, with enough, enough, for
本題考查的知識點為enough 修飾形容詞位于其后,固定詞組搭配,the same as ,故選C

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Not long ago, the only time you could see a robot was when you were reading a novel or watching a movie such as Star Wars (星球大戰(zhàn)) . Today, however, a lot of things in science stories have been science facts. Robots are starting to appear in our everyday lives. These robots have different sizes, shapes, and colors. But they all have the same type of man-made “brain”. Leading the robot revolution (革命)are industrial(企業(yè)) robots that work in factories. Industrial(工業(yè)) robots can do different kinds of jobs that are often boring and sometimes dangerous. Robots are also coming to American homes, though not as quickly as they are entering factories. These robots aren’t as friendly and bright as those you saw in  Star Wars. But, their makers say, today’s home robots “walk”, sense objects(感知物體) in their way (and sometimes knock into them), and even carry objects (which they sometimes drop). Well, nobody is perfect.
We may laugh at home robot today, but some day they may see and hear better than humans do. We humans can only see certain wavelengths(波長) of light, and hear certain sounds. That’s because the abilities of our eyes and ears are limited. Robots, however, need not have the same limits as we have. Robot may also be equipped with devices that pick up information humans can’t. To understand what their sensing devices(傳感器) pick up is a hard job. Remember, man—made brains handle(處理)information, including all kinds of data, as zeroes and ones. Imagine the difficulty in trying to explain to a robot what a football looks like—using only zeroes and ones.
【小題1】 From the passage, we can see that factory robots _________. to improve other types of robots
B.a(chǎn)re most active in industrial revolution
C.a(chǎn)re playing a more important role than other types of robots
D.a(chǎn)re the tallest type among robots
【小題2】 It seems that home robots are __________________.
A.more widely used than factory robots
B.less common than factory robots
C.capable of doing any kind of housework from making mistakes while performing(執(zhí)行) duties
【小題3】 Robots may deal with information that humans can’t. Which of the following is not one of the reasons?
A.They do not have so many limits as humans do.
B.They have man-made brains.
C.They may be equipped with a special kind of sensing device.
D.They handle information by using zeroes and ones.
【小題4】The development of robots suggests that _________. and technology are developing fast
B.people are interested in new inventions
C.machines are more capable than humans
D.robots can be very interesting
【小題5】 According to this passage, present home robots ________.
A.a(chǎn)re better than human in seeing and hearing
B.a(chǎn)re as capable as those in Star Wars
C.can pick up objects more quickly than humans
D.sometimes perform wrong actions


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 判斷正(T)誤(F)。
Robots seems very new to most people. But they have a long history. The first one was made by a Greek inventor, you may see robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs.
Some people can’t look after themselves and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see, many of these people use a dog to help them. In the future, robot dogs might take the place of these guide dogs.
Robots are also used in American hospital. At one hospital, a robot takes meals from the kitchen to sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.
In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of human being. They can, however, help us in a lot of different ways.
【小題1】Robots have a long history.
【小題2】The first robot was invented by a Greek.
【小題3】Robots can only be seen in films.
【小題4】Robots can help some people look after themselves.
【小題5】Today’s robots have a few different uses.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Scientists are placing robotic dogs in the homes of lonely old people to test whether they can improve the quality of life for humans. Alan Beck, an expert(專家) in human-animal relationship, and Nancy Edwards, a professor of nursing, are leading the animal-assisted study on the effect of robotic dogs on old people’s depression (沮喪) , physical activity, and life satisfaction.
In the study, the robot, called AIBO, is placed for six weeks in the houses of some old people who live alone. Before placing AIBO in the home, scientists will collect baseline data(數(shù)據(jù)) for six weeks. These old people will keep a diary to note their feelings and activity before and after AIBO. Then, the scientists will review the data to test if it has produced any changes in the life of its owner.
“I talk to him all the time, and he responds to my voice,” says a seventy-year-old lady. “When I’m watching TV, he’ll stay in my arms until he wants down. He has his own mind.”
The AIBOs respond to certain orders. The scientists say they have some advantages over live dogs, especially for old people. Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an animal by walking it or playing with it. A robotic dog removes exercise and feeding concerns.
“At the beginning, it was believed that no one would relate(與……相關(guān)) to the robotic dog, because it was metal and not furry.” Beck says. “Hopefully, down the road, these robotic pets could become a more-valuable health helper. They will record their masters’ blood pressure, oxygen levels or heart rhythms(心律). AIBOs may even one day have games that can help stimulate(刺激) older people’s minds.”
【小題1】The purpose of Beck and Edwards’ study is to _____________.
A.understand human-animal relationship
B.make lonely old people’s life better
C.find the causes of old people’s loneliness
D.improve the animal-assisted research
【小題2】 In the research, the old people are asked to _____________.
A.note the activities of AIBOs
B.keep AIBOs at home for 12 weeks
C.record their feelings and activity the collected information
【小題3】What does the underlined word “removes” mean?
A.moves movableC.doesn’t needD.need
【小題4】What is the better point of AIBO than live dogs?
A.It is easier to keep at home.
B.It can help the disabled people.
C.It responds to all the human orders.
D.It can watch TV with its owner.
【小題5】The writer seems to suggest that the future robotic dogs may__________.
A.cure certain diseasesB.keep old people active
C.change people’s ideasD.look more like real dogs


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

What might the future be like? Here are some predictions: things to come, things to go.
The Spring Festival, the most important Chinese holiday when everyone returns home, has caused headaches for millions of Chinese. More than 2 billion people travel at the same time, making getting travel tickets and the journey difficult. But in 28 years, Spring Festival travel may not be a problem at all. China plans to build more than 120,000 kilometers of railway and a fast transportation network that will serve 90% of the population by 2020. And because most of China will be cities, people will not have to go to other places to find a job, so it will no longer be a problem.
Newspaper will come to an end in 2043. In the future, digital(數(shù)字的) newspapers will be sent to personal web tools through Internet. Readers can discuss topics with journalists and editors. Information will move faster.
Oil is running out faster than expected. But scientists have found something else for oil as fuel(燃料). Coal, natural gas, solar power, nuclear power and even water can take the place of oil as sources of energy(能源).
Schools will go electronic(電子化). Computers will be important and popular among the students. Everything will be in the computer and students will not need to bring books to school. They will find information on the Internet. A computer will be the students’ library, schoolbag and connection to the outside world. There will be robot teachers, they will check homework on computers and communicate with the students’ parents through e-mail. And school buses will be like spaceships, comfortable and safe.
【小題1】 More than 2 billion people have a hard time returning home during                .
A.Christmas DayB.National Day
C.the Spring FestivalD.the Mid-autumn Festival
【小題2】The newspapers will disappear                . 28 2020 33 years
【小題3】               is not mentioned in the passage as sources of energy.
A.CoalB.WindC.Nuclear powerD.Water
【小題4】From the passage we can know                 in the future.
A.the Spring Festival travel may still be a problem
B.90% of the population will live in the city
C.robot teachers will check homework
D.readers can discuss topics with each other through Internet
【小題5】What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?                 .
A.Schools will go electronicB.Computers will be important
C.There will be robot teachersD.School buses will be like spaceships


科目:初中英語 來源:2013年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(廣東卷)英語(解析版) 題型:完型填空


Tom brought a box of biscuits to a summer camp. He ate a few and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was gone. He went to tell his camp __46__ about it.

The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Tom’s biscuit behind a tree. He __47__ an idea to solve(解決) the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I know who __48__ your biscuits. Will you help me to teach him a lesson?”

“Well, yes…are you going to punish __49__, sir?” Tom asked. “No, I am not,” the coach explained __50__. “That would only make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and ask for more __51__.”

Tom received another box of biscuits by mail from his mother a few days later. “Now,” said the coach, “go and __52__them with the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didn’t understand the coach’s intention, __53__he still followed his advice.

Half an hour later the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom to __54__his toy robot in payment for (賠償) the stolen biscuits. And Tom was refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits were not so __55__.

In some situations, forgiveness (原諒) is better than punishment.

1.A.cook              B. doctor          C. coach          D.cleaner on with         B.went on with     C.came up with    D.caught up with

3.A.took away          B. ran away       C.went away       D.threw away                B. him           C. us             D. them

5.A.shyly              B. angrily        C.excitedly         D.patiently

6.A. gifts              B. biscuits        C. candies          D. toys

7.A. share             B.choose         C.divide            D. fill

8.A. if                B. but           C. since             D. though

9.A.steal              B.mend          C. make             D. accept

10.A. cheap            B. delicious       C. different           D.important


