    It's nine o'clock, time for Health Report.
    There has not been a worldwide spread (傳播) of flu (流行性感冒) since 1968. Experts say there should
have been another by now.
    The so-called Spanish flu in 1918 became the most deadly flu ever recorded. It killed an estimated twenty
million to fifty million people. Almost half were young adults.
    There were two other widespread flu in the twentieth century. The Asian flu struck in 1957, and the Hong
Kong flu in 1968. 
     Scientists at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the cause of the widespread
Spanish flu is not clear. But the two others are known to have resulted from a human virus that became mixed
with a bird flu virus. And that could happen again.
     Scientists first identified bird flu in Italy more than one hundred years ago. Bird flu is caused by type A flu
viruses. Type A are the most common, and usually cause the most serious flu spread in people. Currently the
most serious kind of bird flu is known as h-five-n-one. It has spread among chickens and ducks in Asia.
Number of worldwide flu in 20th century 1.                     
Cause of Spanish flu 2.                     
Cause of Hong Kong flu 3. A human virus mixed with                      
Places where bird flu often outbreaks

4.                      countries

Most serious kind of bird flu 5.                     
1. Three  2. Not clear  3. a bird flu virus  4. Asian (and European)  5. h-five-n-one

科目:初中英語 來源:浙江省桐鄉(xiāng)市實驗中學等五校2013-2014學年第一學期期中聯(lián)考七年級英語試卷 題型:022


1.David's ________ is a doctor.

2.________ father is an actor.

3.Jack's mother is a ________.

4.Li Hua is ________.

5.Frank's ________ are teachers.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

On Sunday, April 22, people all over the world take time out to appreciate(珍惜) the earth that we all share. It’s Earth Day, a special day to learn about our planet(星球) and how to take care of it.
On Earth Day, some people listen to speeches about the environment. Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home. Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars.
The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator (參議員), who was worried about the pollution and the health of plants and animals. And the idea quickly caught on. In 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part in. Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their role in taking care of our planet.
Now, Earth Day has become a global celebration. In 1990, 200 million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups, tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day.
1. When is Earth Day?
2. Who came up with the idea for Earth Day?
3. What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?
4. A lot of people celebrated the first Earth Day in 1970, didn’t they?
5. What is Earth Day?


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇泰興市洋思中學初二期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Confidence(自信) is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude (態(tài)度).A study shows that the people who are more confident are much __ (1)______. They can have more chances to make ____(1)_____ successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:
·Speak loud   When you are not confident, you can’t do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loudly enough so that people can hear you clearly. The .high voice can help you become more confident.
·Play sports   Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. (2) A strong body helps you be full of confidence.
·Encourage yourself  Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you’ve done.
·Get rid of (消除) fear  Fear comes along with failure (失。. But it’s easy to overcome (克服) if you know that failure is part of your life. Don’t hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.
·Pick up a hobby   If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.
【小題1】在空白處填下所缺的單詞,每空一詞:____________  ____________
【小題3】根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答問題:How can you encourage yourself?
Please speak as loudly as possible in order to make yourself heard clearly.


科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省泰州市海陵區(qū)八年級下學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


People often complain( 抱怨) about buses in Shanghai. The dirty smoke from the buses pollute our city. Buses are always full of            ① and it’s  to get a seat. ⑵有時人們得等很長時間,but the bus doesn’t come. And some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly, so people on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily. It is natural that not so many people like to take the bus. ⑶If the bus service can be made better, there will be fewer traffic problems. Then people will feel it convenient to go anywhere in our city.


     ____    ②      ____  

2.將⑵處譯為英文。                                 .



4.在文章中找出下句的同義句, 并寫在橫線上。

People on the bus may fall down and get hurt easily because some bus drivers stop the bus suddenly.






科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省九年級上學期聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:其他題



  On Sunday, April 22, people all over the world take time out to appreciate(珍惜) the earth that we all share. It’s Earth Day, a special day to learn about our planet(星球) and how to take care of it.

On Earth Day, some people listen to speeches about the environment. Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home. Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars.

The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator (參議員), who was worried about the pollution and the health of plants and animals. And the idea quickly caught on. In 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part in. Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their role in taking care of our planet.

Now, Earth Day has become a global celebration. In 1990, 200 million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups, tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day.

1. When is Earth Day?


2. Who came up with the idea for Earth Day?


3. What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?


4. A lot of people celebrated the first Earth Day in 1970, didn’t they?


5. What is Earth Day?



