
James: Hi, Susan!
Susan: Hi, James!
James: Would you like to    1    ping-pong with me?
Susan: Oh, sorry. I can't. Look! I    2    here.
James: Why not    3    your mother to do it?
Susan: Look, she    4    a cow over there.
James: Where    5     your father?
Susan: He's busy, too. He    6    the boxes of apples to the tractor.
James: Oh, I see. What about your grandma?
Susan: We    7    some chieks. She    8    them.
James: So nobody can play with me.
Susan: It doesn't matter. I    9     that after I finish it.
James: That's great! But when?
Susan: In about an hour.
James: OK. I    10     for you in the playhouse.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
1. play 2. am doing some washing 3. ask 4. is milking 5. is
6. is carrying 7. have 8. is feeding 9. will do 10. will wait

科目:初中英語 來源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,情景問答


A: What are you doing?
B: I'm    1    my plane. Thereis something wrong    2     it. Could you help me    3    it?
A: I'm    4   . I can't help you. I'm very busy now.
B: That's all right. Well,do you    5    a knife? Mine is at home.
A: Yes, I    6    one.
B: May I    7    it?
A: Certainly.    8    . Please give it back soon.
B: I think I can give it    9    to you this afternoon
A: This afternoon? I'm not at school.
B: What   10     tomorrow?
A: That's OK.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______

